York River Study
In December 2014, Congress passed the York River Wild and Scenic River Study Act, which authorized the York River Study. The York River Study Committee was formed in late 2015. Volunteers for the Study Committee were sought from Eliot, Kittery, South Berwick, and York through a public application process open to all communities’ residents. Town officials appointed committee members from their respective towns. The Study Committee included voting members (individuals appointed by towns) and non-voting members (representatives of public agencies). York River Study Committee members:
Voting Members: Karen Arsenault, Cindy Donnell Thom Kearns, Joan LeBlanc, Mike Masi, and Chuck Ott from York; Stefan Claesson and John “Jack” Murphy from Eliot; Judy Spiller from Kittery; and Jean Demetracopoulos from South Berwick
Non-voting Members: Paul Dest, Wells Reserve; Jamie Fosburgh and Jim MacCartney, National Park Service; Judy Gates and David Gardner, Maine DOT; and Claire Enterline, Maine Coastal Program
York River Study Coordinator (from February 2016 through January 2023): Jennifer Hunter

The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve served as fiscal agent for the York River Study Committee. Money from the National Park Service Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers Program (about $200,000 total) was awarded through a 5-year Cooperative Agreement with the Wells Reserve.
The study process was voluntary and locally determined. The bulk of the work for the locally-led York River Study was conducted over three years from late 2015 to late 2018. The Committee’s work in 2016 and 2017 focused on:
- Compiling and reviewing York River watershed studies and data
- Identifying and documenting outstanding watershed resources
- Conducting several new studies to gain additional information on high priority resources
- Engaging the public and key stakeholders in developing stewardship goals, objectives, and strategies to protect the river
In 2018, the Study Committee developed the Stewardship Plan and presented information to towns and community members about Partnership Wild and Scenic River designation for York River. The York River Watershed Stewardship Plan was the culmination of over 30 months of work by the York River Study Committee to gather information about the York River and its watershed. See the York River Study Committee’s Designation Recommendation and Study Findings Overview.
The legislative bodies for all four watershed communities (voters in York and Eliot; town councils in Kittery and South Berwick) supported pursuing river designation and accepted the Stewardship Plan in late 2018.
York River Study documents
From 2016-2018, the York River Study Committee gathered information and developed the York River Watershed Stewardship Plan, and in 2019 provided input to the National Park Service on its York River Wild and Scenic River Study Report that describes the eligibility and suitability of a Partnership Wild and Scenic River designation for the York River. From 2020-2022 the Study Committee continued to engage state and local partners and Congressional sponsors to maintain support for achieving designation. In 2023, the Study Committee coordinated with the National Park Service and watershed municipalities to facilitate the establishment of the York River Stewardship Committee. The York River Study Committee met for the last time in June 2023, after which time the transition to the newly formed York River Stewardship Committee was complete.
Information and outreach materials; reports and notes; committee meeting agendas and minutes; and press coverage of the York River Wild and Scenic Study are all available below.
Stewardship Committee formation/transition planning documents: Stewardship Committee-background and next steps & Stewardship Committee-description and responsibilities (February 2023)
YRSC Media Release – Designation announcement (December 2022)
Media Release from Congresswoman Pingree on York River Designation (December 2022)
Testimony from Jennifer Hunter given at Senate Subcommittee hearing on designation bill (June 2021)
Media Release from Senator King following Senate Subcommittee hearing on designation bill (June 2021)
Media Release from Maine’s congressional delegation on reintroduction of designation bills in US House and Senate (March 2021)
Media Release from Congresswoman Pingree on inclusion of York River designation in Wilderness Protection Act (February 2021)
Media Release from Senators King and Collins on introduction of designation bill (December 2020)
Poster on York River outstanding resources (February 2020)
Maine Legislative Resolution supporting York River designation (February 2020)
Poster on York River and Climate Change (January 2020)
Climate change impacts to Gulf of Maine (January 2020)
York River Watershed Stewardship Plan recommendations to help prepare for climate change (January 2020)
National Park Service Media Release on Study Report (January 2020)
Testimony from Chuck Ott provided at House Subcommittee hearing on designation bill (May 2019)
Letter to York River watershed residents (October 2018)
Media Release YRSC Oct 4 Speaker & Event Flyer
YRSC September3 2018 Media Release
Designation Recommendation / Overview (updated September 2018)
York River Study June 2018 Media Release
Frequently Asked Questions (updated May 2018): FAQ York River W&S Study
River segments recommended by the York River Study Committee for Partnership Wild and Scenic River designation and summary, as of December 2017: Designation Outreach Print Version December 2017. Maps of rivers recommended for PWSR designation: Proposed Stream Reaches Poster Dec2017 (poster size, best for on-line viewing) and Proposed Stream Reaches Letter Dec2017 (letter size, best for printing)
York River Study December 2017 Media Release
York River Study June 2017 Media Release
York River Study informational “video”
Letter to landowners in the historic resources survey area (March 2017): Landowner Letter and Map
Policy statement on York Harbor dredging, February 2017: York River W&S Study and York Harbor Dredging
Overview of the York River Study and the NPS Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers Program: York River Study Factsheet
Public Input Poster on York River Watershed Resources: Public Input Poster
York River Study Committee – Update and Listening Session, June 20, 2016: Agenda, Study Committee List and Watershed Map, York River Watershed Report List, & Presentations
The York River Study Committee approved the Stewardship Plan at its July 24, 2018 meeting: York River Watershed Stewardship Plan. A Story Map by Wells Reserve accompanies the Stewardship Plan.
Final reports on the York River Watershed build-out study completed by Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission and Spatial Alternatives, June 2018:
- Story Map by SMPDC and Spatial Alternatives: http://arcg.is/C1e8O
- Spatial Alternatives build-out methodology and findings: York Watershed Build Out Scenarios
- SMPDC recommendations report: Regulatory and Non-Regulatory Recommendations Report
Final report on the 2017 fish survey conducted by Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve for the York River Study (includes Habitat Assessment/GIS Analysis in report appendix): An Assessment of Spring Fish Communities in the York River, Maine
Final reports on York River headwaters historic resources surveys completed in 2017:
- Archaeology report by Northeast Archaeology Research Center: York River Headwaters Report final redacted NEARC Dec2017
- Architectural history report by Groundroot Preservation Group: Architectural Survey Upper York River GPG Nov2017
Notes from the February 13, 2018 ORV Subcommittee meeting on water quality and fish habitat, including links to two presentations given at the meeting: Notes from Feb13 WQ and Fish Habitat meeting
Notes from the November 9, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on fish, wildlife and habitats, including links to two presentations given at the meeting: Notes from Nov9 Natural Resources meeting
The York River Study Committee’s Preliminary Draft Management Recommendations Outline, October 2017
Notes from the August 24, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on historic resources, including links to three presentations given at the meeting: Notes from Aug24 Historic Resources meeting
Notes from the June 20, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on watershed conservation lands, including links to a presentation given at the meeting: Notes from June20 Conservation Lands meeting
Notes from the May 11, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on drinking water supplies, including links to a presentation and a document handed out at the meeting: Notes from May11 Watershed Drinking Water Supplies meeting
Notes from the April 26, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on working waterfront, tidal water recreation and economic values, including links to the presentation given and documents handed out at the meeting: Notes from Apr26 Working Waterfront Tidal Water Recreation meeting; data compiled by YRSC: Working Waterfront Data Compilation – Summary
Notes from the March 30, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on infrastructure, aquatic organism passage, and describing river flow and conditions, including links to four presentations given at the meeting: Notes from Mar30 Infrastructure meeting
Notes from the March 7, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on water quality in the York River, including links to data and shoreline survey findings from Maine Department of Marine Resources: Notes from Mar7 WQ meeting
Notes from the January 31, 2017 ORV Subcommittee meeting on York River salt marshes and potential marsh migration areas, including links to a presentation and maps distributed at the meeting: Notes from Jan31 Saltmarsh Meeting; list of salt marsh-related data and reports: Resource Information and Links – ORV Saltmarsh Meeting Jan 31 2017
Wild and Scenic River Reconnaissance Survey of the York River, National Park Service Northeast Region, 2013 (This survey pre-dates the formation of the York River Study Committee but provides background information for the York River Study.)
From 2015-2020, the York River Study Committee met monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month (third Tuesday in December) at the Grant House in York. From 2020-2022 the committee met on Zoom as needed. In 2023, the committee resumed monthly in-person meetings, held at the York Land Trust office.
- June 2023: Agenda 6.27.23 & Minutes 06.27.23
- May 2023: Agenda 05.23.23 & Minutes 5.23.23
- April 2023: Agenda 04.25.23 – Quorum not present, no April meeting was convened
- March 2023: Agenda 03.28.23 & Minutes 03.28.23
- February 2023: Agenda 02.21.23 & Minutes 02.21.23
- January 2023: Agenda 01.05.23 & Minutes 01.05.23
- November 2021 (on Zoom): Agenda 11.23.21 & Minutes 11.23.21
- December 2020 (on Zoom): Agenda 12.22.20 & Minutes 12.22.20
- September 2020 (on Zoom): Agenda 9.22.20 & Minutes 9.22.20
- July 2020 (on Zoom): Agenda 7.28.20 & Minutes 7.28.20
- March-June 2020: Meetings cancelled due to Covid-19
- January 2020: Agenda 1.28.20 & Minutes 1.28.20
- November 2019: Agenda 11.26.19 & Notes 11.26.19
- October 2019: Agenda 10.22.19 & Minutes 10.22.19
- September 2019: Agenda 9.24.19 & Minutes 9.24.19
- June 2019: Agenda 6.25.19 & Minutes 6.25.19
- May 2019: Agenda 5.28.19 & Minutes 5.28.19
- April 2019: Agenda 4.23.19 & Minutes 4.23.19
- March 2019: Agenda 3.26.19 & Minutes 3.26.19
- February 2019: Agenda 2.26.19 & Minutes 2.26.19
- January 2019: Agenda 1.22.19 & Minutes 1.22.19
- November 2018: Agenda 11.27.18 & Minutes 11.27.18
- October 2018: Agenda 10.23.18 & Minutes 10.23.18
- September 2018: Agenda 9.25.18 & Minutes 9.25.18
- July 2018: Agenda 7.24.18 & Minutes 7.24.18
- June 2018: Agenda 6.26.18 & Minutes 6.26.18
- May 2018: Agenda 5.22.18 & Minutes 5.22.18
- April 2018: Agenda 4.24.18 & Minutes 4.24.18
- March 27, 2018: Agenda 3.27.18 & Minutes 3.27.18
- March 5, 2018: Agenda 3.5.18 (no meeting minutes – only covered agenda items 1 and 2, approving minutes from 1/23/18 meeting; all other items bumped to next meeting)
- January 2018: Agenda 1.23.18 & Minutes 1.23.18
- November 2017: Agenda 11.28.17 & Minutes 11.28.17
- October 2017: Agenda 10.24.17 & Minutes 10.24.17
- September 2017: Agenda 9.26.17 & Minutes 9.26.17
- August 2017: Agenda 8.22.17 & Minutes 8.22.17
- June 2017: Agenda 6.27.17 & Minutes 6.27.17
- May 2017: Agenda 5.23.17 & Minutes 5.23.17
- April 2017: Agenda 4.25.17 & Minutes 4.25.17
- March 2017: Agenda 3.28.17 & Minutes 3.28.17
- February 2017: Agenda 2.28.17 & Minutes 2.28.17
- January 2017: Agenda 1.24.17 & Minutes 1.24.17
- December 2016: Agenda 12.20.16 & Minutes 12.20.16
- November 2016: Agenda 11.22.16 & Minutes 11.22.16
- October 2016: Agenda 10.25.16 & Minutes 10.25.16
- September 2016: Agenda 9.27.16 & Minutes 9.27.16
- August 2016: Agenda 8.23.16 & Minutes 8.23.16
- July 2016: Agenda 7.26.16 & Minutes 7.26.16
- June 2016: Agenda 6.28.16 & Minutes 6.28.16
- May 2016: Agenda 5.24.16 & Minutes 5.24.16
- April 2016: Agenda 4.26.16 & Minutes 4.26.16
- March 2016: Agenda 3.22.16 & Minutes 3.22.16
- York River is now federally recognized: here’s what ‘wild and scenic’ designation means, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, January 6, 2023
- Accomplished: York River Watershed Designated Wild and Scenic, The Wrack (Wells Reserve Blog), January 5, 2023
- York River is now federally recognized: what does it mean? NEWS CENTER Maine, December 29, 2022
- Pingree secures ‘wild and scenic’ designation for York River as part of federal spending bill, Portland Press Herald, December 23, 2022
- Senate Committee advances York River ‘wild and scenic’ designation with bipartisan vote, Seacoast Online, November 18, 2021
- York River bid for ‘wild and scenic’ status goes before U.S. Senate subcommittee, Seacoast Online/York Weekly, June 25, 2021
- York River nears designation as ‘Wild and Scenic’, NEWS CENTER Maine, March 3, 2021
- All 4 members of Maine congressional delegation back York River ‘wild and scenic’ bill, Portsmouth Herald, March 2, 2021
- US House backs York River’s ‘wild and scenic’ designation, Portland Press Herald, February 26, 2021
- Nearly a decade in the making: Chellie Pingree pushes York River nearer to ‘wild and scenic’ finish line, Portsmouth Herald, February 26, 2021
- Senators debut long-awaited bill to designate York River ‘wild and scenic,’ Seacoast Online, December 1, 2020
- State Senate backs York River ‘wild and scenic’ designation, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, March 2, 2020
- Senators await public input on York River ‘wild and scenic’ designation, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, January 28, 2020
- Study concludes York River is eligible for Wild and Scenic river designation, Portland Press Herald, January 13, 2020
- Wild and Scenic river designation dammed in senate, Portsmouth Herald / Seacoast Online, January 1, 2020
- Time for York River designation to move forward, York Weekly Editorial, September 24, 2019
- Sen. King weighs options on York River Wild and Scenic designation, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, September 17, 2019
- Pingree testifies on her York River bill, Portsmouth Herald / Seacoast Online, May 22, 2019
- Pingree files York River Wild and Scenic bill, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, February 14, 2019
- Year in Review: Smooth waters after choppy year for York River, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, January 1, 2019
- So. Berwick council endorses York River designation, Portsmouth Herald / Seacoast Online, December 12, 2018
- Kittery supports York River Wild and Scenic designation, Portsmouth Herald / Seacoast Online, November 27, 2018
- Kittery Town Council hears pitch from York River committee, Portsmouth Herald / Seacoast Online, November 16, 2018
- Kittery, South Berwick up next in York River designation, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, November 13, 2018
- York River measure passes overwhelmingly, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, November 6, 2018
- Editorial: YES on 2 for York River’s Future, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, October 30, 2018
- Passions rise on York River wild and scenic ballot measure, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, October 23, 2018
- Harbor Board endorses stewardship plan, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, September 18, 2018
- Editorial: 3 selectmen to be lauded for Wild and Scenic River vote, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, August 28, 2018
- Divided board puts York River plan on ballot in November, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, August 28, 2018
- Selectmen hold public hearing on York River plan, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, August 14, 2018
- Hearing Monday on York River plan, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, August 7, 2018
- Selectmen praise management plan for York River, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, June 26, 2018
- Study: York River healthy, resilient, York Weekly / Seacoast Online, June 19, 2018
- York River study work winding down, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, June 6, 2018
- York River committee seeks KEYS region input, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, May 11, 2018
- York River Study looks at housing development, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, April 10, 2018
- York River panel seeks wild and scenic designation, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, January 1, 2018
- Movers and Shakers: Stewards of the York River, York Weekly, December 27, 2017
- York River and watershed alive and well, Seacoast Online, November 12, 2017
- York River committee enters final year of study, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, October 16, 2017
- Committee looks at past, present and future of York River, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, October 10, 2017
- York River archaeological sites ‘pretty amazing’, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, August 30, 2017
- Understanding York River through walking tours, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, July 4, 2017
- Discovering the past one shard at a time, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, June 27, 2017
- YHS students study fish species in York River, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, May 9, 2107
- York River talks focus on harbor dredge, overuse, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, May 1, 2107
- York River study to delve into Eliot’s archaeology, Portsmouth Herald/Seacoast Online, April 13, 2017
- Two studies of York River soon underway, York Weekly/Seacoast Online, January 31, 2107
- Kudos for community connections, Seacoast Online Editorial, January 31, 2017
- ‘Education not regulation’ of York River, Seacoast Online, October 25, 2016
- York River committee updates residents on its work, Seacoast Online, June 20, 2016
- York River watershed worthy of federal study, Seacoast Online Editorial, March 29, 2016
- Four-town committee works to preserve York River watershed, Portsmouth Herald, March 27, 2016
- York River study committee starts meeting, Seacoast Online, December 1, 2015
- Study begins of York River, ‘stunning natural resource,’ Bangor Daily News, September 2, 2015
- Maine’s humble York River moves into spotlight, Portland Press Herald, March 10, 2014