Story maps developed during the York River Wild and Scenic Study:
- York River Watershed Stewardship Plan story map, developed by Wells NERR in 2018
- York River watershed build out study story map, developed by Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission and Spatial Alternatives, Inc. in 2018
- Infrastructure and stream barriers story map, developed by Wells NERR in 2017
The following maps show various features of the York River watershed.
- Proposed stream reaches for Partnership Wild and Scenic River designation: Proposed Stream Reaches Letter Size Dec2017 (best for letter-sized printing) and Proposed Stream Reaches Poster Size Dec2017 (best for online viewing of details or poster-sized printing), maps by Bill Hancock, MIFW/Beginning with Habitat Program, December 2017
- York River Watershed Map (map produced by Town of York)
- Historic Resources in the York River Watershed (map by Study Committee member Stefan Claesson in 2016)
- York River Watershed Major Tributaries and Waterbodies Map (map by Susan Bickford, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve)